5 Things to Consider when Buying Your First Rifle

Buying your first rifle requires careful consideration. Rifles are a type of firearm with a longer barrel for shooting more accurately over long distances. This makes them good weapons for hunting, shooting sports, and sometimes self-defense purposes. If you have never owned a rifle before, it is best to get to know them before committing to a purchase. This guide explains five things to consider when buying your first rifle. 

Cheap Is Not Better

This cannot be said enough: do not buy a rifle just because it is cheap. You don’t want a dodgy firearm malfunctioning and causing injury, or worse, death. Plus, it’s never fun wasting money for no good reason. So, bare that in mind when it comes to choosing where to buy the rifle. Established and credible firearm establishments are the best way forward. The staff will know what they are talking about when it comes to offering valuable advice, and you won’t get swindled on price or quality. 

How it Fits with You

The rifle has to be a good fit. What are we talking about here? Well, there are a couple of arenas that dictate how a rifle fits with your body. 

  1. The length: What is the pull length? Can you comfortably hold it? If you cannot hold it comfortably and confidently, this is not the one for you as there is an increased risk of dropping or mishandling it. There is no room for this when it comes to using rifles for the above mentioned reasons. 
  2. The weight: Again, if you can’t physically lift the rifle without straining, put it back. It has to be light enough to carry around and pick up when and if you use it. 

Consider an Iron Sight 

Iron sights are essentially supporting stands for rifles. Their intention is to provide a better aim and a steadier line of sight. These particular iron sights are very popular for the AR15 style rifle. This is a suitable category for beginner hunters and for when the rifle is solely needed for protection purposes. They tend to be very lightweight which makes them a better fit for most people and the range is also semi-automatic. 

Rifle Purchase Admin

Usually, you have to show a valid form of ID before being allowed to take a rifle home. This is to prove age and identity. Some (most) states also require that the rifle owner has a firearms license as a way of registering and keeping track of weapon ownership throughout the country.  

Where Will You Keep the Rifle? General Rifle Safety Advice

With rifles, it’s vital to have a safe place to store them when they’re lying dormant. There are a few general rules to follow. 

  • Store the gun unloaded, aka WITHOUT bullets. 
  • Alongside being unloaded, make sure the rifle is not cocked and ensure that it is locked. 
  • Put it somewhere far out of reach of children, and preferably somewhere they don’t know.
  • Don’t store the rifle with the rifle ammunition. Have a separate, locked ammunition box in a different location. 

Lots of people opt for gun safes or secure rifle storage boxes with passcode-style locks on them. This is general rifle etiquette and ensures safer gun handling generally. The main focus is to protect children and young people that may not fully understand the implications of mishandling a firearm. 

So, before purchasing your first rifle you will have to jump through some hoops. Regardless of your intention, rifles are serious bits of kit. They need to be stored appropriately and respected too. There are plenty of useful accessories to explore alongside the rifle purchase.