How to Write Compelling Meta Tags That Win More Clicks?

A meta title (title tag) and meta description are the first things users see on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). A meta description is found just below the meta title, and both of them have the largest influence over whether users click through. 

Therefore, it is crucially important to craft strong meta tags that follow Google rules and encourage users to click through.

Learn more about Why an Effective Meta Title is Vitally Important for Ranking Higher on Google 

Aleph Website is a professional Web Development and Web Design agency that helps small business owners and entrepreneurs develop an effective SEO strategy including creating compelling meta tags.

Take a look at how to create a strong meta description and highly clickable meta title:

  1. Include the focus keyword 

The keyword included in a meta title is a must. The best practice is to put a keyword at the very beginning of the title. Also, make sure the keyword is included in the meta description where it makes sense. 

  1. Use engaging copy

A meta description should be brief and engaging. It is a plus to include the USP (Unique Selling Point) that explains why your business is better compared to others. Remember, even if you get on the first page of Google, there are nine more results and meta tags. Try to stand out. 

Also, add the call to action at the end of the meta description, so users know what is expected from them to do on the website (to call you, to sign up, etc.)

When it comes to writing meta titles, try to use common, uncommon, power and emotional word.

Learn more about How to Use These Types of Words Appropriately in a Title    

  1. Meta tags should sound natural

When writing meta titles and meta descriptions, always keep in mind they should sound natural. Avoid keyword overuse. 

  1. Do not use the same meta descriptions for different web pages

Duplicating meta descriptions is bad for SEO performance. Using identical meta descriptions can negatively affect the ranking position.

There are many tools that can be of great help when creating meta tags.

Check out The Most Used SEO Tools and Plugins