The Top 10 of How to Find a Psychologist

Finding the right psychologist can be challenging. There are over 7500 licensed psychologists in Quebec. And there are more here than in other provinces. So your search will be difficult.

What should you look for in a psychologist? What approach should you consider? Is the type of degree and program necessary? These are all important questions to think about when looking for a trusted professional to help you. Fortunately, the following are a set of guidelines that can help. First, I want to tell you about the top 10 factors my clients have told me are most important. Then, these are the things I think you should also think about.

1. Make sure the professional you are considering is a licensed psicologo online gratis whatsapp. Other people can say they can do psychotherapy, but in Quebec, only someone who is registered with l’Ordre des psychologies du Quebec (OPQ), or the College des medicines du Quebec can offer services.

2. Make sure they have a degree in Clinical Psychology. They are trained to help you with problems people have. But if you need help with something that is not an identifiable problem, then see someone else who does not have a degree in that field.

3. Credibility. Ask for more information about the person who is applying to be your psychologist. For example, do they work at a hospital or only in private practice? Psychologists who work at hospitals are usually good because they teach future psychologists, are involved in important research questions and are often interviewed by the media.

4. In Quebec, you need a Ph.D. to be a psychologist. You can’t do it with just a Master’s degree like before. The Ph.D. usually takes five more years and is harder than the Masters. Having a Master’s degree does not mean a person will be a bad fit for you. But since your psychological health is important to you, you should choose someone who has received more training.

5. What approach should I use? If you want to improve your problems, do therapy that works fast. There are many types of therapy, but Task Forces from both the Canadian and American Psychological Associations have helped validate that Cognitive Behavior Therapy is the best. So, from what I can tell, do CBT.

6. A psychologist who says they use CBT should be evaluating progress. It is important to use standardized and objective questionnaires to measure the success of their treatment. Research has shown that there is more success in therapy when people are evaluated for changes. Many psychologists say they use CBT. But how can you tell if they do? Ask them what questionnaires they will use to measure your progress. If they cannot give you any, it is hard to believe that they practice CBT.

7. Check to make sure the person is a psychologist. You can find this by looking at a list of registered psychologists and then looking for their names on that list.

Website: The OPQ was set up by the Government of Quebec to protect people when they are looking for psychological services. The OPQ reviews applications so that people have the right credentials and experience to be licensed psychologists. If you are in another province or state, make sure to contact your local professional order that licenses psychologists in your area.

8. If you are asking for help, it is important that the person returns phone calls on time. A quick return call says they are committed to helping you. If they don’t return your phone call right away, does this make you think they will not be good at the job? If someone leaves me a message, I call them back as soon as possible. This is how people should help each other, and this is what my clients have said they want from me.

9. To know if you are comfortable with the psychologist, first talk to them. If you feel like they listen and are polite, then they might be a good match for you.

10. The relationship between you and your psychologist is important. Research has shown that the relationship between you is a strong measure of how well therapy will work. If they can meet three criteria, then it probably will work out. The first criterion is that the psychologist needs to be genuine with you and have empathy for you.

In summary, if you want to get better at the problems that you are having, then you must find a good psychologist. I hope these top 10 guidelines will help.