How To Know An Adequate Strength For CBD Capsules & Other Products

When starting with CBD (cannabidiol), it can be confusing to determine a dosage or a strength. The suggestion is to read the packaging for guidance regarding the dose. 

It will give you elementary instructions, as can a primary care physician. There are also guidelines to follow as far as the strength that coincides with symptoms you hope to have assistance with.

If you don’t understand the packaging, you can call the manufacturer or speak with a representative with the company offering the products like Cheefbotanicals, who will guide how to make these determinations. There is no universal dose or recommended daily allowance since there is no official approval for the natural substance as a medication or drug with the FDA. 

The suggestion is to start with a low dose and gradually build from that point until you reach your desired effect. Once that happens, you need to continue with that dose consistently and regularly, so the compound builds up in your system, offering improved wellness. 

How Do You Know An Adequate Strength For CBD Capsules and Other Products

You’ll find CBD (cannabidiol) products on the market in high, super, and ultra-strength. The suggestion from the beginning has been to start with the lowest amount and gradually build from that point until you reach the desired effect. 

The confusion for many people starts with not knowing what would be considered the lowest dose for them in particular. Let’s look at each of the strengths to see if we can detail it a little bit better.

  • A high strength product

Users new to the cannabinoid are generally recommended to start the process with a “10 mg” strength per dose. For those individuals who prefer CBD capsules as their delivery of choice, a standard starting strength is 6.4mg, deemed “high-strength” oil with the cannabinoid blended between hemp and olive oil.

Users who wish to add the product for overall wellness can typically start with one tablet, perhaps before bed. When building up from the lowest dose, you can add one or even two more capsules at even intervals throughout the course of the day. 

If a high dose even multiplied is not satisfactory, you might want to look into a super-strength option. Learn some helpful tips for CBD capsules at

  • A super strength product

Super strength CBD capsules start at the level of 15 mg per tablet with a suggestion that users take one or two each day with a glass of water. At the maximum, you would receive a total of 30 mg for the entire day. 

There is no recommendation that you go to a third pill, and you shouldn’t exceed what the manufacturer recommends. If you find that you might need more, switching to a more concentrated product might be necessary.

  • An ultra-strength product

There’s no suggestion for a CBD capsule at this level. The recommendation is for an Ultra strength oil in drops. These are doubly as strong as the super strength oils and generally carry nearly 11% cannabidiol concentration. 

The recommendation is that more experienced consumers increase their dose with these or perhaps use this one time per day and lesser strength capsules or drops in the daytime.

The downside with potent products is the greater the concentration, the more bitter and grassy the taste. This can be resolved if you select a “filter-clear” option that will offer a purer oil with a less heavy taste.

You can also add flavoring like peppermint, another strong taste in itself that will mask the bitterness helping to make the experience more pleasant. Despite its strength, there is no fear of intoxication. CBD hemp-derived products do not produce intoxication as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) does with marijuana. 

You’ll find an abundance of THC in marijuana products but only trace levels in some hemp-derived options, which is confirmed with independent lab testing.

Manufacturer Recommendations

The indication is you should always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, which will likely be found on the packaging that the products come in. All packaging materials should be thoroughly read before committing to buy anything, and there should be the assurance that you understand what the packaging is saying. 

If not, it’s essential to contact the manufacturer to explain the guidelines in detail to make sense. 

It’s further advisable to follow up with a primary care physician. The doctor will check any medications that might interact with the cannabinoid or see if there are any underlying conditions that it might interfere with. 

The provider can confirm whether the manufacturer’s suggested strength is appropriate or if the doctor feels it might be too much to start and make their own recommendation. Read guidelines on how to take CBD here.

Final Thought

Cannabidiol (CBD) comes in varied doses and has multiple strengths. It can be a relatively potent product. Still, manufacturers have guidelines that they anticipate users will follow to keep the cannabinoid within reasonable limits. 

Suppose you take far too great an amount, that creates the risk for adverse effects. These are not severe, but they are bothersome and can result in the discontinuation of the product. 

This is why there are manufacturer guidelines and the reasons you need to consult with a primary care physician to ensure an adequate dose and strength before consuming the product. 

It’s also the reason all entities suggest that you start with the lowest dose and gradually build up until you achieve a response, then hold that dose on a consistent and regular basis not to exceed that amount. Safety is always a priority.

Read More What Are the Different Types of CBD?.