How to save skin from sunburn?

Summer days are the best time to get an even bronze tan that adorns any woman. But often our love of relaxing on the beach turns into a disaster. how to save skin from sunburn is one of the most common “summer” problems faced by people of all ages and phototypes. By far the smartest way to protect yourself from burns is to prevent them. However, the summer sun is very active, and even a few minutes without a protective cream can turn into big trouble. Our article will tell you how to get rid of them in no time.

How to recognize a sunburn?

Before taking action, you need to figure out how badly the skin is affected. There is no strict classification for sunburns – they are usually all superficial. However, one should not think that sunburn is less terrible for the body than others, because the degree of danger depends not only on the depth, but also on the area of ​​the lesion. Lovers of sunbathing in this regard are absolute “champions” – the rays can hit up to 99% of the body area.

Therefore, how to save skin from sunburn must be taken seriously and treated immediately. It is not so easy to recognize it, because the effects of prolonged tanning manifest themselves only after 9-12 hours. However, there are several symptoms of sunburn:

  • local or diffuse redness of the skin;
  • swelling;
  • severe itching;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • feverish condition, chills;
  • increased body temperature.

Immediately after at least one of the listed signs is detected, it is necessary to take measures to protect the body. First, it is necessary to cool the areas of the body exposed to the sun’s rays as much as possible. Secondly, if possible, moisturize the damaged skin. However, if after this the state of the body does not improve, you need to take more effective measures.

Actions for how to save skin from sunburn

With severe skin lesions, sunburn is treated with the help of medicines and complex therapy. The main recommendations are as follows.

The victim must be provided with rest – it is best if he is in a dark, cool room and always in a horizontal position. Contact with ultraviolet rays should be excluded for at least a week or even until the skin is completely restored after burns.

  • Take an antipyretic if your body temperature is above normal.
  • Provide an abundant drink: 2 to 3 liters per day.
  • Apply cool compresses to the skin periodically.
  • The most important thing is to treat the affected area with a cream, gel or spray for burns.

Burn treatment is a lengthy and not very pleasant process. But you need to approach him with responsibility and patience. Even the smallest burns, left without proper attention, can become a gateway for the entry of various infections, a source of spread of diseases and a cause of general malaise . In addition, burns are always unpleasant and ugly, so it is better to help your body get rid of them as soon as possible using a special healing cream.

Choosing the right cream

As mentioned, the first cure for any sunburn should be a cold compress. It relieves itching, burning and pain well, cools the skin to normal temperature and facilitates the general condition of the body. Dampen gauze or a thin towel in cold, clean water and apply to the affected area. Compresses should be changed as they get warmer. After the skin has calmed down a bit, you can apply one of the healing creams to it.

  • Products based on extracts of chamomile, calendula or aloe, as well as a cream with vitamins A and E. All these components perfectly nourish the skin, retain valuable moisture in the cells and contribute to the speedy regeneration of tissues.
  • Cream “Panthenol” is one of the most common remedies for treating skin after sunburn. It perfectly relieves inflammation, eliminates itching and burning.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment is another proven, inexpensive replacement for any popular cream. Eliminates pain and prevents the spread of infections.

If none of the above funds were at hand, you can purchase a cream that helps with burns at any major store or pharmacy. It is only important to know a few selection criteria.

  • A good cream should have an antiseptic and moisturizing effect to minimize the effects of burns.
  • If the cream, in addition to the above, also has anesthetic properties, feel free to purchase it, this will help reduce pain.
  • In some severe cases, antihistamines such as Feistily are especially effective. However, if the affected area is very large, abscesses and wounds appear on the skin. Only a doctor can prescribe a cream.
  • The consistency of the product is also important – the ointment or cream should be well absorbed.
  • A good sunburn medicine cannot be very cheap. Do not skimp on your health so that you do not have to consult a doctor after an affordable but unsuccessful treatment.

Alternative remedies for how to save skin from sunburn

Alternative remedies

Unfortunately, the risk of burns is often great where it is not possible to find a healing cream or spray. For example, in corners of nature remote from civilization, at various recreation centers and in unfamiliar hot countries. It turns out that you can return a healthy look to the skin after sunbathing with the help of available folk remedies for natural skin care products.

  1. Kefir or yogurt. Low-fat dairy products, due to the high content of proteins in their composition, able to cool damaged skin and protect it from excessive moisture evaporation. But sour cream, contrary to the popular myth, is not suitable as a remedy for sunburn – after its application, a very dense lipid film remains on the skin, creating an ideal environment for the spread of bacterial infections.
  2. Cucumber juice is another simple home remedy for burns. Cucumber juice instantly eliminates inflammation, moisturizes the epidermis and neutralizes discomfort for how to save skin from sunburn.
  3. Rescue composition from the available means. If you don’t have a special ointment for sunburn at hand. But you have found other medicines, you can prepare your own healing cream. Not inferior, by the way, to the effectiveness of the pharmacy. Take petroleum jelly as a basis, add spermaceti cream, glycerin, lanolin and pure water in equal proportions. Stir well and apply to affected areas after applying a cooling compress.

The heroine of an interesting video will tell you about what you should take with you to the beach so that a sunburn of your skin does not spoil your rest. May your summer be bright, long and sunny!

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