What to Consider When Buying a New AC Unit


When the time comes to install a new air conditioner, there are many things you’ll need to consider. Take a look at these factors below before investing in a new cooling system.

SEER Rating

Firstly, be sure to pay attention to the SEER rating (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) of the air conditioner. This rating indicates the unit’s energy efficiency during operation. Higher SEER ratings mean lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills over time. However, units with higher SEER ratings tend to come with a higher initial cost.

Noise Levels

Noise levels are another vital factor to take into consideration, especially if your AC unit will be installed near living spaces or bedrooms. Modern AC units are designed to operate quietly, but it’s still essential to check the decibel levels to ensure minimal disruption to your home environment.

Size of Your Home

The size of your home directly influences the size and capacity of the AC unit you’ll need. A unit that’s too small will struggle to cool your home adequately, leading to inefficiency and potential breakdowns. Conversely, an oversized unit can lead to excessive energy consumption and uneven cooling.

Your Cooling Demands

Consider your cooling demands based on factors like the climate in your area, the number of occupants in your home, and your lifestyle preferences. For example, if you live in a hot and humid climate, you may need a more powerful AC unit with advanced humidity control features.

The Cost of the System

Of course, the cost of the system is a very significant factor for most homeowners. While it’s tempting to opt for the cheapest option upfront, consider the long-term savings from a more energy-efficient unit. Factor in installation costs, maintenance expenses, and any available rebates or incentives when making your decision.


By carefully considering these factors—SEER rating, noise levels, home size, cooling demands, and cost—you can make an informed choice when buying a new AC unit that meets your comfort needs while maximizing energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.