How to Treat Melasma?

Melasma is a prevalent skin condition that causes discolored patches all around the skin or in some parts only. It mostly appears on the face or neck, making people hate it even more. It can affect anyone, but it is mainly seen in people with a darker complexion.

It has been majorly reported by women using birth control pills, pregnant women, or menopausal women. However, it is also 10% expected in men, but women are always at a greater risk.

Causes of Melasma

To date, experts have not found the exact cause of melasma. It is said that it could be because of the malfunction of the color-generating cells. These cells can malfunction and generate too much color, resulting in hyperpigmentation and melasma.

Some potential triggers for this skin condition are:

  • Fluctuating hormones such as during pregnancy
  • Unsuitable skincare products
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Family history or genes

Symptoms of Melasma

Melasma has one common symptom: the appearance of tiny black spots around the forehead, nose, upper lips, chin, and neck. These discolored patches can appear in other parts of the body as well, but they are most common around the face. It is rare for people to get melasma on their arms and legs.

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Treatment for Melasma

The best way to treat melasma is by knowing what triggered it. If it is triggered by pregnancy hormones, its treatment would be different. If it is triggered by menopausal hormones, its treatment will vary. Likewise, if genetics is the cause, it will be treated accordingly.

Following are the treatment plans for melasma:

Home Remedies

The following home remedies have proven effective for treating melasma:

1- Aloe Vera

It was seen that pregnant women who used aloe vera as a topical treatment witnessed considerable differences in their melasma. It is because aloe vera has healing and lightening effects that hydrate the skin and brings it to its original form.

2- Sunblock

Using sunblock and avoiding direct exposure to the sun has significantly helped women treat their melasma. Use sunblock before going out and reapply every two hours. This practice will help you treat melasma more effectively.

3- Glutathione

It is an antioxidant comprising cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, the three amino acids. It was seen in a study that people who took oral glutathione reported a decrease in melanin, a substance that leads to the production of hyperpigmentation and melasma.

Thus, it was discovered that glutathione is an effective antioxidant that can make a significant decrease in the production of melasma among women and men.

4- Tretinoin

It is a topical cream or gel that can significantly decrease the color of melasma patches. A study was conducted, and it was seen people who used tretinoin creams or gels saw a difference in the color of their melasma patches within 3 weeks.

5- Polypodium Leocotomos

It is native to Central and South America sold under the brand name Kalawalla. In a study, it was found that people who orally consumed it have treated their melasma. However, the exact dosage was not administered. Therefore, it is better that you consult with dermatologist before consuming it. 

6- Tranexamic Acid

It is a promising oral treatment that has improved melasma in a lot of people. It is a derivative of an amino acid called lysine.

7- Corticosteroids

It is similar to tretinoin, and it comes in both cream and gel form. It has ingredients that can lighten any melasma patches in a matter of a few weeks. Administer its use according to the guidance of your doctor.

Medical Treatments

Following are some proven medical treatments for effectively treating melasma:

1- Chemical Peel

These chemical peels are highly recommended for reducing fine lines, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and discolored skin patches such as melasma. Your dermatologist will recommend the chemical after assessing your skin type and skin condition level.

2- Dermabrasion

It is a skin clarifying method in which a rapidly rotating device is used to remove the outer layer of your skin for a new one to grow. The healed or recovered skin layer is usually lighter, cleaner, and more clarified skin.

3- Laser Treatment

Laser treatment has been in the medical industry for a long time. It is very popular because of its effective results. Experts have also been using this treatment for clearing stubborn melasma patches. The laser light breaks the pigmented color from your affected skin and allows your actual skin tone to show.

4- Microneedling

Microneedling can stimulate collagen production in your skin and promote brighter skin, smooth pores, improved acne scars, and filled fine lines. Clinical experts have used it for many skin conditions, and patients have gotten notable results after its complete course.

5- Microdermabrasion

This procedure uses an abrasive instrument to sand the first layer of your skin gently so a new and more clarified skin can grow in its place. It is used for stretch marks, scars, and discoloration around the body.

These are the proven treatments for melasma. It is always better that you consult an expert for better guidance. Book an appointment with the best Dermatologist through Marham for more information.