Radish Benefits and Side effects for Your Body

Radish opens the season for fresh vegetables and is a source of nutrients and vitamins that our body needs so much in the spring. This bright, crunchy root vegetable is a favorite of many and it is not in vain. Radish is very useful during spring beriberi, we discuss radish benefits and side effects.

Radish – the benefits and harm to human health from this vegetable are very great. This product is not a delicacy and it doesn’t take a lot of money to purchase it. It is sold in almost every store on vegetable counters. Radishes are grown even on the space station, because you can eat the whole vegetable, including root crops and tops, and the ripening period is one and a half months. The whole vegetable has many nutritional properties, so astronauts can enjoy the fresh product at all times.

Useful Benefits of radish:

  • promotes weight loss;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • strengthens and increases the elasticity of the vessel walls;
  • normalizes blood circulation processes;
  • has wound healing properties;
  • prevents the penetration, growth and reproduction of pathogenic infections in the body;
  • protects against atherosclerosis;
  • activates the digestive system;
  • enhances intestinal peristalsis;
  • increases the secretion of gastric juice;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • slows down growth and prevents the formation of cancer cells, which serves as a good prevention of cancer;
  • increases the body’s defenses;
  • increases the production and secretion of bile, reduces its stagnation;
  • removes excess fluid and salt from the body, thereby reducing puffiness.

The benefits of radishes

  • Radish juice contains a lot of mustard oil, which is a strong antiseptic and is widely used in medicine. The benefits of radishes are in their bitterness. If the vegetable bakes, then it contains a large amount of oil. The beneficial properties of radishes are similar to hydrogen peroxide and iodine. The pulp can be applied to wounds for quick healing and clearing up infections.
  • The usefulness of radishes lies in the fact that they are able to eliminate problems associated with damage to the digestive system and intestinal disruption. Moreover, it works much more efficiently than most medicines. Radish has the ability to disinfect wounds, kill pathogenic microbes and completely normalize the stomach. Promotes the creation of enzymes that break down fats with carbohydrates and more radish benefits and side effects.

Reduce chance of cancer

  • Radish contains substances that prevent the appearance of cancer cells. Scientists have shown that if a person consumes this vegetable, then the chance of cancer is reduced by 65 percent. Therefore, it is an excellent preventive measure. Almost every product contains antioxidants, but it is in radishes that there is a lot of it.

Removing cholesterol from the blood

  • The benefits of radishes also lie in the fact that they have the property of removing cholesterol from the blood. It should be noted that the effectiveness of this property is not worse than that of most drugs. Radish can be used to lose weight and cleanse the body of harmful substances. How many calories are in a fresh radish? The answer to this question will amaze everyone who dreams of a slim figure, because the calorie content of fresh radishes is only 20 kcal . The body will spend a lot more calories to process this product than it will receive. This is the whole secret of losing weight.  
  • The vegetable is an excellent remedy to fight tooth decay. It is able to effectively clean enamel and eliminate bacteria that cause serious dental diseases. You should squeeze out the radish juice and rinse your mouth with it after each meal of radish benefits and side effects.
  • The benefits of radishes are great. It must be remembered that good should be in moderation because there are also contraindications for radishes. You should be careful about diets. In no case should it consist of only one product, because the body constantly requires vitamins and normal nutrition?. The harm of radishes can be quite large if a person consumes only this vegetable and this will manifest itself in discomfort due to the weakening of the body.

What can be made from radishes

The use of this root vegetable in cooking is very diverse. You can make salads from it, but the most common dish.

In addition, the product perfectly tolerates heat treatment, and therefore it can be stewed, boiled, fried. A very tasty dish – stuffed with radish with cheese or minced meat.

Radish Side Effects

It should be noted that, like any other product, radish also has useful properties and contraindications or radish benefits and side effects. Therefore, you should not abuse it and you must definitely consult a doctor in order to know what harm the radish can be for a particular person.

The usefulness of radishes for weight loss, although significant, is not a dietary vegetable. Especially when it will be stored in the refrigerator for more than a week. After long-term storage, the level of sucrose in the radish increases, which increases the calorie content. For this reason, it is best not to store this product for a long time.

Stomach Problems

You should not use radishes for people who have stomach problems, for example, when a person has an ulcer or gastritis. Acids that kill bacteria can cause significant damage to the lining of the stomach and cause discomfort. The effect will be the same as with the use of celery root.

The useful properties of radishes are quite weighty, but this product contains a large amount of starch, and it is rather difficult to excrete it from the body. You can compare this starch with potato starch, because their properties are very similar.

During inflammation of the thyroid gland, it is best to exclude a product such as radishes . In polyclinics, a large number of studies have been carried out that have proven the negative effect of radishes, which can only aggravate the disease.

The health benefits and harms of radishes will be varied, but such a product is safe, and has a negative effect only in non-standardized dosages. It, like other spicy and pungent foods, will not be the best option for stomach health.

How to consume this vegetable

Anyone should know that radishes have various beneficial properties and contraindications. Therefore, those who have diseases associated with the stomach or intestines should exclude the vegetable from their diet. In some cases, consulting a specialist can help and the doctor will establish the correct dosage of the radish.

What radish is useful for women is that it contains a lot of folic acid , which contributes to the normal development of all organs of the unborn child, as well as his nervous system. Can radishes be breastfed? Only the attending physician can answer this question when examining and passing the necessary tests. During pregnancy, radish will be quite useful, because it is an excellent prophylactic agent for iron deficiency anemia.… While breastfeeding, radishes can be dangerous and should be eaten with care. The baby may have problems in the form of diathesis. Its consequences may be: skin redness, rash, peeling. If the dosage of radishes is exceeded, then the child may suffer from various problems associated with intestinal dysfunction. To avoid problems, you must follow all the instructions of your doctor.

How to choose

The benefits and harms of radishes for the body depends on its condition at the time of purchase. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account some recommendations when choosing a root crop:

  1. You need to choose the freshest and hardest vegetables. If the radish is soft, then it will contain a lot of calories, and the quality itself will be at a low level;
  2. It is better not to buy the vegetable that has dark spots. They are the first sign of various fungal diseases;
  3. The radish should be free of any deformation. They can be a sign of chemical growth stimulation due to substances that were added for fertilization;
  4. It is not worth buying radishes that have been grown in a greenhouse. Most farmers add nitrogen fertilizers, which make the vegetable grow faster. It is better to wait for the season and purchase only a safe product;
  5. If a person has a nitrate tester, it is best to carry it with them when they need to buy vegetables. It will help you find out how many additives are in radishes and avoid buying poisonous foods.

Read More Why radishes are good for you and what to cook with – 5 simple ideas